Results for 'M. F. Harris'

951 found
  1.  23
    The effects of stimulus movement on discrimination learning by rhesus monkeys.Perry M. Nealis, Harry F. Harlow & Stephen J. Suomi - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (3):161-164.
  2. Berwick, RC, 161 Brent, MR, 1 Brent, MR, 93.B. Butterworth, T. A. Cartwright, K. Plunkett, M. F. Garrett, T. German, R. W. Gibbs, E. L. Harris, P. Resnik, J. M. Siskind & E. Spelke - 1996 - Cognition 61:323.
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    Research in Progress: The Formation of Professional and Consumer Solutions: Ethics in the General Practice Setting.C. A. Berglund, C. D. Pond, M. F. Harris, P. M. McNeill, D. Gietzelt, E. Comino, V. Traynor, E. Meldrum & C. Boland - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (2):164-167.
    A general practice research project on ethics is underway at the University of New South Wales, funded by GPEP. Ethical issues, as defined and explored by general practitioners and consumers, are being examined across four areas of Sydney.So far, telephone interviews have been conducted with a random sample of general practitioners. Face-to-face interviews have been conducted with 107 consumers, randomly sampled using ABS collection district information. Focus groups have been formed to discuss acceptable solutions to GP and consumer identified ethical (...)
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    Clinical ethics: “It’s crucial they’re treated as patients”: ethical guidance and empirical evidence regarding treating doctor–patients.F. Fox, G. Taylor, M. Harris, K. Rodham & J. Sutton - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):7-11.
    Ethical guidance from the British Medical Association about treating doctor–patients is compared and contrasted with evidence from a qualitative study of general practitioners who have been patients. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 17 GPs who had experienced a significant illness. Their experiences were discussed and issues about both being and treating doctor–patients were revealed. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to evaluate the data. In this article data extracts are used to illustrate and discuss three key points that summarise the BMA (...)
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    Samehang van verhoudingswoorde as middelpunt van verhoudingsherstel in die boek Hosea – ‘n sosioretoriese studie.Johannes C. F. Harris & Pieter M. Venter - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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  6.  20
    Freedom and Heteronomy in the Anthropocene.Harry F. Dahms & Alexander M. Stoner - 2023 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 32 (1):39-52.
    The concept of the Anthropocene reflects a particular meaning of the “human” as it exists in society, and a specific understanding of freedom, which only became possible at the close of the twentieth century. Whereas Enlightenment thinkers such as Kant, Rousseau, and Adam Smith attempted to grasp the potential for humanity to be changed through society in a self-conscious process of attaining freedom, the “Age of Man” today appears entirely disconnected from human agency. Indeed, the Anthropocene is associated not with (...)
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    Accuracy of positioning responses as a function of spring loading in a control.Harry P. Bahrick, William F. Bennett & Paul M. Fitts - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 49 (6):437.
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    Supporting Stroke Patients' Autonomy During Rehabilitation.Ireen M. Proot, Ruud H. J. ter Meulen, Huda Huijer Abu-Saad & Harry F. J. M. Crebolder - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (2):229-241.
    In a qualitative study, 22 stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation in three nursing homes were interviewed about constraints on and improvements in their autonomy and about approaches of health professionals regarding autonomy. The data were analysed using grounded theory, with a particular focus on the process of regaining autonomy. An approach by the health professionals that was responsive to changes in the patients’ autonomy was found to be helpful for restoration of their autonomy. Two patterns in health professionals’ approach appeared to (...)
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  9.  45
    Effects of instruction and stimulus presentation on the occurrence of averaging responses in impression formation.Harry F. Gollob & Andrew M. Lugg - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):217.
  10.  18
    No selective integration required: A race model explains responses to audiovisual motion-in-depth.S. F. Andrew Chua, Yue Liu, Julie M. Harris & Thomas U. Otto - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105204.
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  11. Alzheimer's disease -like pathology in aged monkeys after infantile exposure to environmental metal lead : evidence for a developmental origin and environmental link for AD.J. Wu, M. R. Basha, B. Brock, D. P. Cox, F. Cardozo-Pelaez, C. A. McPherson, J. Harry, D. C. Rice, B. Maloney, D. Chen, D. K. Lahiri & N. H. Zawia - 2008 - J Neurosci 28:3-9.
    The sporadic nature of Alzheimer's disease argues for an environmental link that may drive AD pathogenesis; however, the triggering factors and the period of their action are unknown. Recent studies in rodents have shown that exposure to lead during brain development predetermined the expression and regulation of the amyloid precursor protein and its amyloidogenic beta-amyloid product in old age. Here, we report that the expression of AD-related genes [APP, BACE1 ] as well as their transcriptional regulator were elevated in aged (...)
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  12. Analyticity.James F. Harris (ed.) - 1970 - Chicago,: Quadrangle Books.
    Two dogmas of empiricism, by W. V. Quine.--In defense of a dogma, by H. P. Grice and P. F. Strawson.--The analytic and the synthetic: an untenable dualism, by M. G. White.--Synonymity, by B. Mates.--The meaning of a word, by J. L. Austin.--Meaning and synonymy in natural languages, by R. Carnap.--Analytic-synthetic, by J. Bennett.--On "analytic," by R. M. Martin.--Selected bibliography (p. [188]-196).
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  13.  56
    Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lectureship.Joseph Barcroft, E. W. Birmingham, Max Born, R. B. Braithwaite, W. Maude Brayshaw, G. A. Chase, Henry Dale, Howard Diamond, Herbert Dingle, Winifred Eddington, Wilson Harris, G. B. Jeffery, Martin Johnson, Rufus M. Jones, Harold Spencer Jones, Kathleen Lonsdale, E. J. Maskell, A. Victor Murray, C. E. Raven, F. J. M. Stratton, Hilda Sturge, W. H. Thorpe, Henry T. Tizard, G. M. Trevelyan, Elsie Watchorn, A. N. Whitehead, Edmund T. Whittaker, Alex Wood & H. G. Wood - 1946 - Philosophy 21 (80):287-.
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    J. T. F ITZGERALD (ed.): Greco-Roman Perspectives on Friendship . (Society of Biblical Literature: Resources for Biblical Study, 34.) Pp. xiii + 330. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997. $44.95. ISBN: 0-7885-0271-9 (0-7885-0272-7 pbk). [REVIEW]Harry M. Hine - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):292-293.
  15. Az elektronikus prevenció lehetőségei az új (szintetikus) drogok használatának megelőzésében: a Rekreációs Drogok Európai Hálózatának (Recreational Drugs European Network ….Zsolt Demetrovics, Barbara Mervo, Ornella Corazza, Zoe Davey, Paolo Deluca, Colin Drummond, A. Enea, Jacek Moskalewicz, G. Di Melchiorre, L. Di Furia, Magí Farré, Liv Flesland, Luciano Floridi, Fruzsina Iszáj, N. Scherbaum, Holger Siemann, Arvid Skutle, Marta Torrens, M. Pasinetti, Cinzia Pezzolesi, Agnieszka Pisarska, Harry Shapiro, Elias Sferrazza, Peer Van der Kreeft & F. Schifano - 2010 - Addictologia Hungarica 1:289–297.
    Recreational Drugs European Network (ReDNet) project aims to use the Psychonaut Web Mapping Project database (Psychonaut Web Mapping Group, 2009) containing novel psychoactive compounds usually not mentioned in the scientific literature and thus unknown to clinicians as a unique source of information. The database will be used to develop an integrated ICT prevention approach targeted at vulnerable individuals and focused on novel synthetic and herbal compounds and combinations. Particular care will be taken in keeping the health professionals working directly with (...)
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  16.  58
    Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education.David J. Feith, Seth Andrew, Charles F. Bahmueller, Mark Bauerlein, John M. Bridgeland, Bruce Cole, Alan M. Dershowitz, Mike Feinberg, Senator Bob Graham, Chris Hand, Frederick M. Hess, Eugene Hickok, Michael Kazin, Senator Jon Kyl, Jay P. Lefkowitz, Peter Levine, Harry Lewis, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Secretary Rod Paige, Charles N. Quigley, Admiral Mike Ratliff, Glenn Harlan Reynolds, Jason Ross, Andrew J. Rotherham, John R. Thelin & Juan Williams - 2011 - R&L Education.
    This book taps the best American thinkers to answer the essential American question: How do we sustain our experiment in government of, by, and for the people? Authored by an extraordinary and politically diverse roster of public officials, scholars, and educators, these chapters describe our nation's civic education problem, assess its causes, offer an agenda for reform, and explain the high stakes at risk if we fail.
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  17.  42
    The Moral Imagination of Patricia Werhane: A Festschrift.R. Edward Freeman, Sergiy Dmytriyev, Andrew C. Wicks, James R. Freeland, Richard T. De George, Norman E. Bowie, Ronald F. Duska, Edwin M. Hartman, Timothy J. Hargrave, Mark S. Schwartz, W. Michael Hoffman, Michael E. Gorman, Mollie Painter-Morland, Carla J. Manno, Howard Harris, David Bevan & Patricia H. Werhane - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book celebrates the work of Patricia Werhane, an iconic figure in business ethics. This festschrift is a collection of articles that build on Werhane’s contributions to business ethics in such areas as Employee Rights, the Legacy of Adam Smith, Moral Imagination, Women in Business, the development of the field of business ethics, and her contributions to such fields as Health Care, Education, Teaching, and Philosophy. All papers are new contributions to the management literature written by well-known business ethicists, such (...)
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  18.  59
    European and American Philosophers.John Marenbon, Douglas Kellner, Richard D. Parry, Gregory Schufreider, Ralph McInerny, Andrea Nye, R. M. Dancy, Vernon J. Bourke, A. A. Long, James F. Harris, Thomas Oberdan, Paul S. MacDonald, Véronique M. Fóti, F. Rosen, James Dye, Pete A. Y. Gunter, Lisa J. Downing, W. J. Mander, Peter Simons, Maurice Friedman, Robert C. Solomon, Nigel Love, Mary Pickering, Andrew Reck, Simon J. Evnine, Iakovos Vasiliou, John C. Coker, Georges Dicker, James Gouinlock, Paul J. Welty, Gianluigi Oliveri, Jack Zupko, Tom Rockmore, Wayne M. Martin, Ladelle McWhorter, Hans-Johann Glock, Georgia Warnke, John Haldane, Joseph S. Ullian, Steven Rieber, David Ingram, Nick Fotion, George Rainbolt, Thomas Sheehan, Gerald J. Massey, Barbara D. Massey, David E. Cooper, David Gauthier, James M. Humber, J. N. Mohanty, Michael H. Dearmey, Oswald O. Schrag, Ralf Meerbote, George J. Stack, John P. Burgess, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Nicholas Jolley, Adriaan T. Peperzak, E. J. Lowe, William D. Richardson, Stephen Mulhall & C. - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–557.
    Peter Abelard (1079–1142 ce) was the most wide‐ranging philosopher of the twelfth century. He quickly established himself as a leading teacher of logic in and near Paris shortly after 1100. After his affair with Heloise, and his subsequent castration, Abelard became a monk, but he returned to teaching in the Paris schools until 1140, when his work was condemned by a Church Council at Sens. His logical writings were based around discussion of the “Old Logic”: Porphyry's Isagoge, aristotle'S Categories and (...)
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  19. Macfarlane, J. M. - The Causes And Course Of Organic Evolution. [REVIEW]F. Harris - 1923 - Scientia 17 (33):144.
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  20.  33
    Avoiding uniformity in the Δ 2 0 enumeration degrees.Liliana Badillo & Charles M. Harris - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (9):1355-1379.
    Defining a class of sets to be uniform Δ02 if it is derived from a binary {0,1}{0,1}-valued function f≤TKf≤TK, we show that, for any C⊆DeC⊆De induced by such a class, there exists a high Δ02 degree c which is incomparable with every degree b ϵ Ce \ {0e, 0'e}. We show how this result can be applied to quite general subclasses of the Ershov Hierarchy and we also prove, as a direct corollary, that every nonzero low degree caps with both (...)
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  21.  44
    The Intermediate Neutrino Program.C. Adams, Alonso Jr, A. M. Ankowski, J. A. Asaadi, J. Ashenfelter, S. N. Axani, K. Babu, C. Backhouse, H. R. Band, P. S. Barbeau, N. Barros, A. Bernstein, M. Betancourt, M. Bishai, E. Blucher, J. Bouffard, N. Bowden, S. Brice, C. Bryan, L. Camilleri, J. Cao, J. Carlson, R. E. Carr, A. Chatterjee, M. Chen, S. Chen, M. Chiu, E. D. Church, J. I. Collar, G. Collin, J. M. Conrad, M. R. Convery, R. L. Cooper, D. Cowen, H. Davoudiasl, A. De Gouvea, D. J. Dean, G. Deichert, F. Descamps, T. DeYoung, M. V. Diwan, Z. Djurcic, M. J. Dolinski, J. Dolph, B. Donnelly, S. da DwyerDytman, Y. Efremenko, L. L. Everett, A. Fava, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, B. Fleming, A. Friedland, B. K. Fujikawa, T. K. Gaisser, M. Galeazzi, D. C. Galehouse, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. T. Garvey, S. Gautam, K. E. Gilje, M. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. Goodman, H. Gordon, E. Gramellini, M. P. Green, A. Guglielmi, R. W. Hackenburg, A. Hackenburg, F. Halzen, K. Han, S. Hans, D. Harris, K. M. Heeger, M. Herman, R. Hill, A. Holin & P. Huber - unknown
    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into (...)
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  22. New books. [REVIEW]Peter Alexander, A. J. Ayer, P. F. Strawson, G. P. Henderson, John M. Hems, Roy Harris, Anthony Kenny, Ninian Smart, K. C. Barclay, Mary Hesse & A. C. Lloyd - 1966 - Mind 75 (182):442-461.
  23.  55
    The psychology of Harry F. Harlow: A bridge from radical to rational behaviorism.Duane M. Rumbaugh - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (2):197 – 210.
    Harry Harlow is credited with the discovery of learning set, a process whereby problem solving becomes essentially complete in a single trial of training. Harlow described that process as one that freed his primates from arduous trial-and-error learning. The capacity of the learner to acquire learning sets was in positive association with the complexity and maturation of their brains. It is here argued that Harlow's successful conveyance of learning-set phenomena is of historic significance to the philosophy of psychology. Learning set (...)
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  24.  76
    Recipes for the molecular biologist. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. Edited by F. M. Ausubel, R. Brent, R. E. Kingston, D. D. Moore, J. F. Seidman, J. A. Smith and K. Struhl John Wiley and Sons. Inc., N.Y. Pp. 650. $180.00 for core volume; $300 for the core book + supplements. [REVIEW]T. J. R. Harris - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (4):132-132.
  25. Enumerations of the Kolmogorov Function.Richard Beigel, Harry Buhrman, Peter Fejer, Lance Fortnow, Piotr Grabowski, Luc Longpré, Andrej Muchnik, Frank Stephan & Leen Torenvliet - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (2):501 - 528.
    A recursive enumerator for a function h is an algorithm f which enumerates for an input x finitely many elements including h(x), f is a k(n)-enumerator if for every input x of length n, h(x) is among the first k(n) elements enumerated by f. If there is a k(n)-enumerator for h then h is called k(n)-enumerable. We also consider enumerators which are only A-recursive for some oracle A. We determine exactly how hard it is to enumerate the Kolmogorov function, which (...)
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  26.  17
    (1 other version)G.W.F. Hegel, System of Ethical Life and First Philosophy of Spirit . Edited and translated by H.S. Harris and T.M. Knox. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1979, pp. x, 288. [REVIEW]Zbigniew Pelczynski - 1980 - Hegel Bulletin 1 (1):22-26.
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  27. Sovremennai︠a︡ progressivnai︠a︡ ėsteticheskai︠a︡ mysl'. [Sbornik stateĭ. Otv. red. M. F. Ovsi︠a︡nnikov i dr.].M. F. Ovsi︠a︡nnikov (ed.) - 1974 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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  28.  81
    Contrasting roles for cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex in decisions and social behaviour.M. F. S. Rushworth, T. E. J. Behrens, P. H. Rudebeck & M. E. Walton - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):168-176.
    There is general acknowledgement that both the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex are implicated in reinforcement-guided decision making, and emotion and social behaviour. Despite the interest that these areas generate in both the cognitive neuroscience laboratory and the psychiatric clinic, ideas about the distinctive contributions made by each have only recently begun to emerge. This reflects an increasing understanding of the component processes that underlie reinforcement- guided decision making, such as the representation of reinforcement expectations, the exploration, updating and representation (...)
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  29. Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy: Volume 2.M. F. Burnyeat - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    M. F. Burnyeat taught for 14 years in the Philosophy Department of University College London, then for 18 years in the Classics Faculty at Cambridge, 12 of them as the Laurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy, before migrating to Oxford in 1996 to become a Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at All Souls College. The studies, articles and reviews collected in these two volumes of Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy were all written, and all but two published, before that decisive (...)
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  30.  22
    Introduction.F. Harry Cummings, Wm C. Found & Terry Smutylo - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (1-2):3-5.
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  31. (1 other version)Setting Things before the Mind: M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:157-179.
    Listening to someone from some distance in a crowded room you may experience the following phenomenon: when looking at them speak, you may both hear and see where the source of the sounds is; but when your eyes are turned elsewhere, you may no longer be able to detect exactly where the voice must be coming from. With your eyes again fixed on the speaker, and the movement of her lips a clear sense of the source of the sound will (...)
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  32.  29
    Objects of psycholinguistic enquiry.M. F. Garrett - 1981 - Cognition 10 (1-3):97-101.
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  33.  63
    Flipping properties: A unifying thread in the theory of large cardinals.F. G. Abramson, L. A. Harrington, E. M. Kleinberg & W. S. Zwicker - 1977 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 12 (1):25.
  34.  10
    Semiotic aspects of neurally based representation of knowledge.M. F. Peschl - 1993 - In René J. Jorna, Barend van Heusden & Roland Posner, Signs, Search and Communication: Semiotic Aspects of Artificial Intelligence. De Gruyter. pp. 90-110.
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  35. Ideal deceleration: A flexible alternative to taudot in the control of braking.T. Yates, M. Harris & P. Rock - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 172-172.
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  36.  56
    Book Reviews Section 4.Adelia M. Peters, Mary B. Harris, Richard T. Walls, George A. Letchworth, Ruth G. Strickland, Thomas L. Patrick, Donald R. Chipley, David R. Stone, Diane Lapp, Joan S. Stark, James W. Wagener, Dewane E. Lamka, Ernest B. Jaski, John Spiess, John D. Lind, Thomas J. la Belle, Erwin H. Goldenstein, George R. la Noue, David M. Rafky, L. D. Haskew, Robert J. Nash, Norman H. Leeseberg, Joseph J. Pizzillo & Vincent Crockenberg - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (3):169-185.
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  37.  52
    Do Tanzanian hospitals need healthcare ethics committees? Report on the 2014 Dartmouth/Penn Research Ethics Training and Program Development for Tanzania (DPRET) workshop.M. Aboud, D. Bukini, R. Waddell, L. Peterson, R. Joseph, B. M. Morris, J. Shayo, K. Williams, J. F. Merz & C. M. Ulrich - 2018 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 11 (2):75.
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  38.  30
    The Freudian libido as an incomplete cycle of reflexes.M. F. Fritz - 1927 - Psychological Review 34 (2):133-134.
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  39.  10
    Naissance littéraire du fascisme.M. F. N. Giglioli - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (4):566-568.
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  40. Le sang et l'argent: l'honneur en jeu. Expressions identitaires d'un groupe de travailleurs de la fête, les porteurs de géants, à Cassel, Nord.M. -F. Gueusquin - 1989 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 87:301-322.
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  41. Revues.E. M. F. - 1881 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 14 (2):208.
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  42. Russkoe i︠a︡zykoznanie kont︠s︡a devi︠a︡tnadt︠s︡atogo-nachala dvadt︠s︡atogo v.F. M. Berezin - 1976
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    Role of participation in the evaluation and implementation of development projects.F. Harry Cummings - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (1-2):24-33.
  44. Going against the flow-Reply.M. Lappe, F. Bremmer & A. V. van ben Berg - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (12):450-450.
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    The Relativistic Geometry and Dynamics of Electrons.M. F. Atiyah & J. Malkoun - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (2):199-208.
    Atiyah and Sutcliffe made a number of conjectures about configurations of N distinct points in hyperbolic 3-space, arising from ideas of Berry and Robbins. In this paper we prove all these conjectures, purely geometrically, but we also provide a physical interpretation in terms of Electrons.
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  46. La destruction de l'icône du Christ de la Chalcé par Léon III: Propagande ou réalité?M. -F. Auzépy - 1990 - Byzantion 60:445-492.
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  47. Sacrifice.M. F. C. Bourdillon & Meyer Fortes - 1981 - Religious Studies 17 (3):407-408.
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    Talking with patients: a basic clinical skill.F. M. Hull - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (3):196-197.
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  49. (1 other version)Wandering minds: the default network and stimulus-independent thought.M. F. Mason, M. I. Norton, J. D. van Horn, D. M. Wegner, S. T. Grafton & C. N. Macrae - 2007 - Science 315 (5810):393-395.
  50. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 124. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, III.F. M. L. Thompson - 2004
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